Talking about how he thought Bell’s appearance on his podcast in February 2018 would be a slam-dunk easy sit-down, considering how many interviews they’ve sat through together, Shepard quipped on Conan that “it was a disaster right out of the gate”—apparently in part because Bell had been looking forward to going to the crafts store that day and was impatient with him. (She loves doing crafts with the kids.)
Listening to it later, “I thought I was a little controlling, but it was vomitous how controlling I was,” Shepard said. “And I really thought I should hide this from the public and then I later thought, no, this is the whole thing. Sometimes we’re in Samsung commercials canoodling at Christmas time, and sometimes we’re screaming at each other about Michael’s. That’s just how it is.”
And that’s why they’ve become the reigning #goals couple of their generation in Hollywood. They don’t put on airs about marriage being something you need to tend to, and are the first to acknowledge that they’re riddled with issues.
Playing a game on The View testing how well they knew each other, both correctly guessed that Kristen was the one who picks more fights, that Dax was the one more likely to send the other nude pictures, that Dax was better at keeping secrets, and that they had each changed 50 percent of their daughters’ diapers, as per their agreement.
from Celebrity News – Techyrack Hub